SkySelect CEO Erkki Brakmann Featured on Times Aerospace TV
Recently Times Aerospace TV released their latest Newsround. This episode had a focus on maintenance repair and overhaul, MRO. Chuck Grieve, TATV’s MRO editor, was in the studio to talk through how the disconnect between customs and government strategy in Nigeria has hammered aviation through a shortage of parts, but discovers from SkySelect’s CEO Erkki Brakmann how there are real opportunities for airlines to take advantage through smart purchasing right now.
Specifically, Erkki discussed the possibilities that exist for airlines and MROs given the unique state of the market. With a surge in the number of aircraft parts available, airlines and MROs can gain substantial savings by acting quickly through the use of automation and machine learning.
- The MRO discussion begins at 6:36
- Erkki's appearance begins at 9:30